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is the center of the ROOR Ecosystem, all value is driven back to the Hangtag. Holders of Hangtags will get exclusive ROOR physical and digital drops, access to our partner and collab drops, and membership to the collective.

Using a state of the art silhouette with an embedded chip that connects directly to the blockchain, ROOR will show how brands can incorporate the ideals of open source and permissive ip while still protecting their image and integrity.

Our soles will use IoT devices and Web3 technology to provide brand protection (metadata proves who the creator is and can connect you to their socials in seconds), permissive ip rights (we can give open source materials, allow our brand / trademarks / silhouettes to be copied and replicated, this spreads our brand awareness but we can protect ROOR brand integrity using the metadata) and solve logistical issues (like “vaulting” physical items).

We program the metadata unique to each sole to reflect the creator, the collection, and other important data. Such logistical data not only tracks the creation’s provenance and history but connects it within our ecosystem and the blockchain with purpose. For example, this will help ensure creators receive royalties on their art sales as they are tracked via metadata.

Eventually you will also need hangtags in order to use our platform and program your metadata into your soles. All of our partners, artists, professional, athletes and brands will

Benefits of being a Hangtag holder:

  • Hangtag = membership to collective 

  • Every hangtag will get a ROOR exclusive physical silhouette designed by our collective of sneaker artists 

  • Chance at rare high end custom physical sneaker art at the Generative Hangtag drop

  • Access to our ecosystem, collaborations with artists, creators and athletes 

  • Access to airdrops, high end exclusive wearable drops and giveaways

  • Learn how to build your own sneakers - 1 annual class of 12 people will be for Hangtag members only.  

HANGTAG design


Each Hangtag consists of 8 elements.

Background - Chain - Eyelet - Frame

Corners - Plates - Logo - Sound

Each Element has 30 to 80 different Traits (variations or textures).

Our Genesis Collection consist of 8,000 - 10,000 Hangtags with randomly generated trait combinations.

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